ACHCA Celebrates Long-Term Care Administrator’s Week
March 8, 2021 | Press Release
Washington, DC – March 8, 2021 – March 8-13, 2021 is National Long Term-Care Administrator’s Week. During this week, staff, residents, families, and volunteers have the opportunity to say “thank you” and honor the administrators who lead our nation’s long-term care communities. This year LTC Administrator’s Week takes on added significance due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our nations Long Term Care leaders have lead the way in the battle with this virus. The physical and emotional toll has placed undue strain on the profession. They have been thrust into an unwanted spotlight and often vilified in the media. Subject to a conflicting and changing regulatory environment, without adequate protective equipment and with the fear that they might carry the virus home to their own families, these leaders have been on the job since last March. Sadly, some lost their lives. Now the vaccine provides some light at the end of the tunnel.
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